The Active Insertion Income is an aid for the long-term unemployed without income. It can be renewed up to three times and has a fixed duration. Here is more data.
The Active Insertion Income, RAI, lasts for eleven months, can be renewed three times and is charged an amount of 451 euros, 80% of the IPREM (multiple effects public income indicator). It is intended for the long-term unemployed, without income and without the right to collect a contributory benefit from the State Public Employment Service.
In 2021, the RAI has risen from 430 to 451 euros, that is, 80% of the IPREM. The date of payment of this subsistence aid is the same day as the unemployment, between the 10th and the 15th of the month. Although, with the Covid-19 crisis, it could be that some banks advance income.
When the unemployed person finishes collecting the Active Insertion Income and still cannot find a new job, they can renew the aid up to three times if they continue to meet the requirements, which include not exceeding the minimum income and presenting a certificate with income when the administration requests it.
But if you have already reached the renewal limit, you can request the Minimum Vital Income to Social Security or one of the Minimum Income for Insertion in the Autonomous Communities.
What to do when the RAI is over?
After exhausting the three renewals allowed by the State Employment Service, if the RAI beneficiary still cannot find a job, he or she may request other non-contributory social benefits such as the Minimum Living Income or the Minimum Insertion Income.
As we explain in our guide on how to request the minimum vital income, the request can be made at the Electronic Office or at the INSS offices by appointment. Without income and without work, and the most complicated thing with problems when applying for a new job offer, there are also the Minimum Insertion Income.
This RMI must be requested at the Social Services of the Autonomous Community of residence, which will prepare a report on the real situation of the plaintiff: if all the contributory benefits to which they are entitled have been exhausted or not, the RAI or if family charges appear .
How many times can I request the RAI?
The Active Insertion Income can be renewed three times. In this way, after collecting the first eleven months, the SEPE gives you the option to request it more times until you reach the top.
This information is important because when the possibility of applying again is exhausted, if the beneficiary continues without income and without a work contract, they will have to apply for different social benefits.
Requirements to collect the RAI
In order for the SEPE to approve the Active Insertion Income and the long-term unemployed begin to collect it, a series of requirements must be presented:
Be registered as a job seeker and have the unemployment card up to date after stamping every three months.
Be under 65 years of age.
Having finished collecting the contributory unemployment benefit and not having the right to collect any other unemployment benefit or subsidy.
Not having income of more than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary.
That the applicant has not asked the RAI three times.
RAI beneficiaries are unemployed with no income who have exhausted their contributory benefit and are not entitled to a subsidy. But it can also be requested by victims of gender violence, returned emigrants over 45 years of age, people with a disability of 33% or more.
Where is the Active Insertion Income requested?
The RAI can be requested at the SEPE through the Electronic Headquarters with a digital certificate or by going to the offices after making an appointment. It is important to have all the documentation at hand, so the interested party must write down what they need to be able to collect the Active Insertion Income.
In the event that there is no possibility of using the internet either to make an appointment or to enter the Virtual Office, you can always resort to sending an administrative email. When this letter reaches those responsible for the benefits, they will have to call the beneficiary to collate data.
Sanctions and fines for which to lose the collection of the RAI
There are several reasons why the SEPE may withdraw the RAI benefit. In the first place, the beneficiary will lose this social assistance in the event that he forgets to seal the strike every three months. This ruling could have a solution in the event that an official document is provided to justify this delay.
They can also sanction the beneficiary of the Active Insertion Income in the event that he does not respond to calls related to the job search, which is called an activity commitment.