These are the skills most demanded by the World Economic Forum, which after the Covid-19 crisis, will be among the most demanded by large companies.
One of the most negative consequences of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has been the high unemployment rate in Spain and the closure of many companies. Therefore, there will be many changes that we must make to recover from this economic crisis. One of them will be to continue training and acquiring skills to remain competent in our job, or in the worst case, find a new one.
This change is not only due to the new forms of work that we have had to adopt due to the pandemic, such as teleworking, but is also a consequence of rapid technological advances, which force us to constantly renew in terms of to our knowledge and skills.
Skills for the professional future after the pandemic
The World Economic Forum established last year, as a consequence of Covid-19, a series of “soft skills” that would be fundamental for the future at the labor level. Tech-related jobs will be among the most in demand, and will call for digital skills.
This series of skills focuses on jobs for the near future, specifically, for the next 2025, and it is the skills most requested by large companies.
The top positions on the list are occupied by skills such as “Analytical and innovative thinking”, “” Active and strategic learning “” and “Solving complex problems”. A series of competencies that every person must contain if they want to compete for a qualified job.
On the other hand, these skills are followed by others such as “critical thinking”, “creativity, originality and initiative” and “leadership and social influence”. This set of requirements has a lot to do with the skills that an employee can have to carry out their work in an office. On the other hand, this series of skills are very necessary to establish good communication and relationships with colleagues in our future work.
And finally, the last skills that will be very useful in a future job are: “use of technology”, “design and programming of technology”, “resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility”, and finally “reasoning and Problem resolution”.
They are a series of skills and competencies that we can develop with time and effort to grow in the workplace. In turn, the same Forum established a report on those employment areas that would offer more job opportunities in the coming years, and the following stand out:
Data and Artificial Intelligence, Engineering and Cloud Computing, Environment, People and Culture, Product Development, Care Professions and Marketing, Sales and Content Production.
On the other hand, the same report ensures that the coronavirus crisis is affecting companies to change some habits, such as promoting teleworking, accelerating the digitization of projects and automation in companies.
So as the World Economic Forum assures, being up-to-date in technological projects and knowing all the news in the digital field is very important. As well as, have knowledge about cybersecurity and other areas related to new technologies.